Fifty Plus Group Luncheon 3/7


Our guest speaker, Laura Wolfe, from the North Central Texas Area Agency on Aging, will give a presentation about increasing or just maintaining stamina as you age as well as some fall prevention exercises for our group.  Laura coordinates all of the Taking Control of Your Health programs in a 14 county region.  She holds her PhD in Applied Gerontology specializing in health education, quality of life, and hospital readmission and is a master trainer for the Stanford Chronic Disease Self-Management, Diabetes Self-Management, Chronic Pain Self-Management, the MaineHealth A Matter of Balance Fall Prevention, and WellMed Stress Buster for Family Caregivers programs.  Laura is also a Certified Long Term Care Ombudsman advocating for residents in skilled nursing facilities and assisted living facilities and holds a certification in Mediation in Aging.  Please invite your friends, bring a dish to share and join us for this special time of fellowship together!