Asbury Reaching Kids

Asbury Reaching Kids (A.R.K.)

A.R.K. will begin in September for the 2021-2022 school year!  See you then!

During the school year, we offer a Wednesday night program from 6:00PM to 7:15PM for ages 3 years to 6th grade.

Your child can come and have fun while learning about the Bible.

Listed below are the activities your child will be participating in each Wednesday:

  • Songs: to reinforce the Books of the Bible, the Ten Commandments, the Twelve Disciples, the Armor of God, and the Fruits of the Spirit
  • Pledges: to the Christian Flag, the American Flag, and the Bible.
  • ARM Food Contest: As offering, we encourage the children to bring non-perishable food for ARM (Asbury Relief Ministry).  Ice cream and/or popsicles will be awarded each time a team reaches 100 pounds of food.
  • Games: to reinforce Bible stories.
  • Bible Memory Verses: Children bring home memory books each week.  Parents choose verses for their child to practice.  Once a child has memorized a verse or verses, parents sign off (a parent signature is required) and the child will say it to a leader and receive a small reward.
  • Lessons: The children ages 4 years old to 2nd grade will hear a Bible story and do an activity or craft to reinforce the story.  3rd & 4th graders will put together a puppet show based on our lessons to be performed for the other children and during the services several times during the year.  5th & 6th graders will have an age-appropriate Bible lesson.
  • Music:  The children will work on songs to be performed throughout the year on Sunday morning for the congregation.  We will also learn songs for a Christmas musical during the Fall semester and a Biblically-based musical during the Spring semester.

Click HERE to contact the Children’s Ministries Director for more information.